THE SPEECH- Translated by Jeff Wilson
Dear Comrades,
The Revolution’s prestige, and the confidence with which the masses have
devoted themselves, has suffered a serious shock. The consequences are a
remarkable decline in enthusiasm for the revolution amongst activists, a
serious decrease in the commitment, determination, and mobilisation of
our grassroots base; finally, distrust and suspicion everywhere and
factionalism amongst our leadership.
What are the causes of this?
There are, on one hand, significant questions which could divide us
pertaining to the operating structures and the internal functioning of
the CNR based on ideological positions. On the other hand, there are
questions regarding the relationships between the principal actors, as
each of us is a leader. However, as important as ideological and
organisational questions are, they are shown to be less important in our
current situation. Indeed, at the soul of any organisation, there is a
clash of opposites followed by union of these same opposites. The unity
of these opposites is always academic, it is never absolute; it is both
relative and temporary. “The unity of opposites is consequently an
absolute, exactly as development and motion are absolutes”. This is why
balance itself is temporary. It can be questioned at any time. It is our
responsibility to preserve it as long as possible, to restore it each
time it has been threatened or broken. In the case of organisational and
ideological questions, we have benefitted each time that someone
considered it necessary to raise an opinion different from mine, to
defend a position different than mine; you did this with freedom and
confidence. These I have adopted and implemented, along with advice,
suggestions, and recommendations. Moreover, resolution of disputes
between men is always simple when trust exists. This means that as long
as the revolution is governed by principles, open debate, criticism and
self-criticism, it will succeed in resolving any misunderstandings,
provided that trust is maintained.
Therefore, work to develop trust and protect it from any criticism, and
any threat. Contrary to questions of principles, the resolution of which
is simple with trust, problems with human relationships are subjective
and can only be solved by absolute trust. In this case, the machinations
of certain elements within our ranks have done more wrong, more damage
in a few months, than the most ferocious political and ideological
struggles between the CNR and its leftist opponents.
Taking their presences in the CNR as an unassailable guarantee of their
revolutionary credentials, these elements wish to use their privileged
position to further the realisation of their vision of society, of the
roles they intend to play and the places they assign themselves within
it. On the one side there is the verbal escalation of the left, on the
other there is are practical scoundrels. All of this occurs within the
quiet certainty that the CNR protects them against all attacks and that
the parliamentarism of the same CNR has given them the right of
obstruction as a minority.
They abuse these rights to cover all licentious behaviour unworthy of a
revolutionary activist, but none will oppose them for fear of being
suspected of trying to oppose the CNR. This is opportunism!
Within the movement, the desire to avoid losing any activists,
especially newcomers, instead affected and annihilated all rigour
against that which everyone realised as being undisciplined,
detrimental, and ultimately discrediting the authority of the CNR.
Everyone witnessed the dilettantism, the lightness, which characterised
the behaviour of elements of this group, which marred their social and
militant practices. The title of member of the CNR has been used by them
to influence the masses to further their individual interests contrary
to the good of the revolution. But the criminal part of their attitudes
is the paralysis of the Directorate which they have caused by working
tirelessly to create the impression amongst some imminent, unassailable
leaders, as being respectable and respected.
Under this guise, they could impose their whims and indiscipline without
fear of any reaction. They have permitted themselves all kinds of
social practices, protected by what they believe is the immunity of
“close friends” in such and such leaders. Their high positions in the
CNR help, positions not gained through any particular merit, but through
simple arithmetic distribution between groups comprising the CNR,
through this they have skillfully disguised their machinations.
The revolution has greatly suffered because of these elements. Unable to
raise the level of debate, they pulled back. They belittled. Fearing
unity as the end of their “princely birthright” they demobilized
everywhere their program would not find traction; they then poured oil
on the fire of division.
Gradually unmasked in their practices, and objectively and inexorably
committed to the descent which will lead to their destruction, they
resorted to even more coarse behaviour, more and more assailed the
division within our ranks, the artificial opposition amongst leaders.
Thus, they divert attention to hypothetical dissent at the top, while
they shirk their duty to the revolution and to self-criticism.
You need not look far. The current malaise is a result of criminal
behaviour which is often unreported. If there exists opposition, it is
by no means between those termed “historical leaders”. If there exists
opposition, it is certainly between these intolerable elements, who are
incompatible with the revolutionary fervour and strength which has been
required to deepen the process that began on the 4th of August, 1983.
The result of this selfish work, fighting only for themselves at the
expense of the public interest, is that we are weakened, and altogether
seriously undermined. The wildest rumours have been embraced by the
masses. These rumours impact people and cause concern. Panic drives
people to the wildest actions… what should you do when you are at the
point of desperation!
This has caused pervasive concern, the political leadership is
distraught that the origin of this evil is widespread, and that the
thesis of the opposition, including that of high-ranking leaders, is
unconvincing, although convenient in the eyes amongst the elite of our
old guard of politicians. Moreover, even those who have made sacrifices
for their responsibilities quarrel in vain over the reasons for the
opposition. The danger is that one is forced to invent a plausible
explanation and justification as it is repeated everywhere that there is
no “agreement between leaders”.
Never has an antagonism divided us. There have been divergences of
opinion, but this is common. Even in the free, confidential debates
between us, where there is neither unnecessary restraint nor taboo,
there has not arisen any antagonism which could justify or explain these
subtle, hypothetical, yet persistent rumours circulated by our
These rumours, aided by widespread confusion, have awoken all kinds of
possibilities for opposition to the revolution: those who were swept
aside by the RDP? Today the degenerates, the tribalists, the reactionary
right regain hope…
Even our external enemies have regained their belligerence long dulled
by our brilliant victories, and audaciously push and regroup the debris
of their movements reawakened by these events.
Comrades, we cannot permit a few individuals to deceive our people, to
condemn the CNR and those who, until now, respected our struggle.
We cannot and must not allow a few irresponsible elements to tragically
affect our revolution; the spectres of similar rifts are currently
haunting Yemen. We cannot and must not let them pervert our revolution;
the consequences of such an impasse are currently troubling Grenada. We
cannot close our eyes or be embarrassed because of the machinations of a
small group when the country is threatened by civil war in the manner
of Lebanon or Chad.
We are accountable to our people, but also accountable to the
international progressive movement because of the hope aroused by the
Revolution of August 4th, 1983.
Let us stop lamenting the misfortune which has befallen our country. Our
sincerity does not excuse our guilty feelings of powerlessness which
leads to defeatism. I understand that we are shocked to be accused of
what we are not, to be accused of that which we have not done.
I propose:
1) That we go to the masses to demonstrate our cohesion by holding
meetings denouncing and condemning these divisionary currents,
ridiculing them as they deserve, those who until now extolled, with more
or less goodwill, the virtues of the revolution. It is urgent that we
go out, that we talk, that we reassure our people. It is urgent.
2) We must eliminate troublemakers from our ranks. All revolutionary
social struggles contained fraudulent individuals infiltrating their
movements. Our current situation and long-term situation must be
changed to eliminate them. Our revolution will advance with its
purification. We will not lose anything by this emotional action, the
eventual difficulties will pale compared to what we are currently
experiencing, or the suffering which our people are currently
I will propose sanctions.
3) As soon as possible we must put into place:
- The statutes of the CNR, adjusted in light of what we have learned
from our present difficulties and those we can predict in the future,
the acceptance of the platform of the recent CNR will be a good test of
our abilities in this matter.
- The economic, political, social and military program of the CNR around
which we gather revolutionaries by their ability to contribute to the
good of our people.
- The Revolutionary Code of Ethics which describes the most exemplary social conduct which each of us should strive to reach.
With the help of these elements and an organisation which functions to
exterminate factionalism, by a more efficient operation of the Audit
Commission, by periodic assessments of what our actions have or have not
brought to the people, we will succeed in making the CNR and all other
forms of the National Political Directorate true leaders, comprised of
nothing but the best of the best, the most steadfast revolutionaries.
The Motherland or death, we shall overcome.